A dedicated company with years of experience At Goldstraw Engineering Services Ltd we specialise in:-

  • Coded Welding Repairs mobile and onsite
  • Domestic Oil Boiler Service and Repairs
  • Industrial and Commercial heating
  • Boiler House Plant, planned maintenance

Carrying out maintenance and repair to new and existing installations nationwide.

Our scope of work includes servicing, repairs, new installations, coded welding repairs, NDT testing, retubing, hydraulic testing, acid washes, annual preparation for insurance inspection, gas safety certificates, testing and purging, valves overhauled and tested with certificates.

We can assist with gas, oil and steam appliances.

Gas and steam pipework sizes from ¼” to 12″, welded and screwed pipe.

Get in touch and see how we can help you:

  • email: richard@goldstraws.co.uk
  • call: 01782 542632
  • text: Service Enquiry to 07811 427423

See our services